Supercharge your music promotion with TuneBlast‘s Email & Text Blast Combo—the perfect blend of two powerful marketing tools designed to maximize your reach and impact!
Our Email & Text Blast Combo campaign includes:
- 1 email blast to 50,000+ contacts
- 1 text message blast to 5,000+ contacts
- 1 post on our Instagram pages (100,000+ followers):
@tuneblast, @_tihhm, @realrappromoo, @rapcheddar, @rapstarvidz, @1yomusic - 2 story posts on our Instagram pages (same as listed above)
- 1-3 posts on our X/Twitter pages (17,000+ followers):
@tuneblastco, @1realrappromo, @rapstarvidz, @tihhmcom
Please fill out the information below to get started. Most blasts are sent out within three business days (we always ask if you want your blast sent out on a specific date).