
Outlaw Muddbaby – Bottom

Following the success of single releases throughout 2021, including the explosive “Too Playa” which received over 110k views and 77k streams in Iess than a month since release, “Bottom” is proving to follow the course of consecutive hits for this young rapper. With two full-length releases; After the Dead and Muddbaby Muzik, and over 15 single releases, Outlaw Muddbaby is gaining plenty of attention and recognition for his clever lyrics, dynamic melodies and deep, and deep penetrating beats which fill the listening space and create a full hip hop experience.

Mississippi native Outlaw Muddbaby is touring extensively throughout Mississippi and is branching out to Houston, TX where his live performance is bound to draw a large crowd. It is Outlaw Muddbaby’s professional, and serious performance that draws the crowd in, as this rapper blends the business of music with the art of lyric writing and freestyle rap to draw his listener in.

Exploring intricate social themes throughout his vocals, Outlaw Muddbaby brings credibility to his lyrics with experience, maturity, and an innate ability to challenge his audience. As the view counts rise, and his music is added to many leading hip hop playlists, Outlaw Muddbaby is proving he is the real deal in this industry. Singles like “Bottom,” “Muddy Water” and “Forbidden Love” are compelled to commercial Urban radio playlists, with its soft melodies leading into the steady-paced rap. Couple this with intricate, off-time samples and syncopated beats which drive these melodies forward, Outlaw Muddbaby also provides infectious hooks, and contrasting choruses which will drive plays on mainstream radio.

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