Dax links up with 25 very talented artists on the Mega Remix of “Dear Alcohol.”
Artists on the MEGA REMIX in order:
1. RVSHVD: @itsrvshvd
2. ThaGreatWhite: @thagreatwhite_
3. ERV ELLO: @ervellomusic
4. KC Makes Music: @kcmakesmusic
5. Phix: @phix806
6. Mykesty: @onlymykesty
7. Carly Pearl: @carlypearlmusic
8. Ben Becker: @benbeckermusic
9. Skydxddy: @skydxddymusic
10. Trippz Michaud: @whereistrippz
11. Common Tribe: @commontribeofficial
12. Kaveman Brown: @kavemanbrown
13. Gringo Tha MC: @instagram.com/gringothemc
14. Quez: @imthatquez
15. AK: @iamtherealak
16. Kingery: @kingery_official
17.Hailey Dayton: @hdclutch21
18. TROY: @troydoherty
19. Couchlock Studios: @couchlockstudios
20. Landrose: @landrose__
21. Brutha Rick: @iambrutharick
22. Elias Burbick: @eliasburbick
23. Xowie: @xowie_music
24. JED: @straightupjed
25. Muzi Mbuyane: tiktok.com/ZTdsEJ9Rx/